5 Ways to Keep Postpartum Fitness Easy & Fun

Posted by Pazit Benezri on

Being a mom to a newborn is unlike anything else.

Not only are you provided the challenge of caring for a delicate human being who is 100% dependent on you, 100% of the time but you’re also presented the challenge of simultaneously taking care of yourself. This season of life can leave moms feeling weightless and out-of-control.

-For one mom, it’s about just trying to keep the house clean for her own sanity.

-For another, it’s about finding the free time to feed her soul, simply doing something she loves.

-And for another mom, it’s about finding the balance between her work life and home life.

But the good news is, we see you. We’ve been there, done that, & if there’s anything we know for sure -- it’s that you’re doing a hell of a lot better than you think you are.

You’re perfect just the way you are, so take the pressure off of yourself. Life’s too short so make it fun.

Here on the Lulyblog, we’re passionate about enhancing your life in all areas. For a lot of moms, keeping exercise fun and easy can be a struggle. But “fit” and “fun” don’t have to be contradictory words you can have it both ways.

Fitness Tips:

Set Realistic Goals:

  • Remember: it’s completely normal for your body to react differently to exercise during postpartum compared to your body pre-pregnancy. The key is to accept this fact, and set realistic goals for yourself when it comes to working out. Overworking yourself can not only increase your risk of injury, but it can also affect your baby’s milk supply and demotivate you from exercising in the future. According to the National Women’s Health Information Center, women in postpartum should set a goal of losing one pound per week.

Refrain From Putting a Cap on Your Exercise Time, When Possible:

  • As a new mother trying to get a million things done everyday, this isn’t always the easiest thing to do. But when you allow yourself to work out with no end-time in mind, you’re more likely to work out longer than you might have anticipated. For instance, saying, “I’m going to go on a run!” is better than saying, “I’m going on a 20 minute run!” because psychologically, you’ll anticipate the end of your work out when you know how much time is left, as opposed to just going for a run as long as you possibly can.

Go For a Walk:

  • Wanting to get some exercise in, but can’t leave the baby alone? Go for a walk. You’ll be surprised how implementing more walking-time into your day can impact your fitness, let alone, when you’re pushing your baby in a stroller at the same time. Find a mom buddy to go with, if you can! Walk through the neighborhood, through the zoo, at a museum, etc. it doesn’t matter, just keep walking!

Home Grind:

    • For most moms, the easiest and most convenient fitness routines are done at home. Unless you have a gym membership where childcare is provided (which is a god-send, let me tell ya!), it can be difficult to find gym time away from your child. Here at Lulyboo, we create Bassinet To-Go’s that keep your baby safe and sound in their own portable bassinet, next to your workout space. Some fun workout routines you can do from home include:
  • Pilates:  Popsugar Fitness
  • Ab workouts
  • Weight-lifting

  • Mommy & Me Home Workouts:

    • You can totally sign up for Mommy & Me Classes, which is a great way to make friends with moms who have babies your age, and instill workout accountability. But if you would rather stay home, there’s no need to worry, you can do Mommy & Me classes from home! Here are 8 great workout videos you can try from home with your little one.

    The point is, mama, YOU CAN DO THIS! If pregnancy has taught you anything about yourself, it’s that your body is capable of doing incredible things. Remember that you are glorious and beautiful in every way, no matter what. So turn up the music, put on your favorite crazy-colored yoga pants, & just have fun with it!







    babies baby bassinet exercise family fitness happy lulyboo mom onthego workout

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